Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) - COP 16 - UNFCCC ------------------------------------------------------------------- español - română

Monday, November 29, 2010

Today opens the COP16 Summit in Cancun, Mexico

After inaugurating yesterday the Climate Change Village, in Cancun, Mexican authorities are ready to officially open today the COP16 Summit. The main question of this summit still remains: Can Cancun Salvage the COP15 from Copenhagen? We do not know yet, but there are voices saying that COP16 will not bring something new for Climate Change.

After the COP15 Summit in Copenhagen in 2009, pessimism grew and there were many saying that COP16 in Cancun will bring nothing more than the last meeting from Denmark. We must remember that Rüdiger Templin (Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany) criticized last year summit. Brethren Templin asked all Freemasons to prevent Climate Change with a more appropriate behavior - by reducing energy consume in all their Lodges and at home.

Grand Master Templin was talking about a Masonic modern style of life. In his open letter to the German Brethrens, titled "The protection of the environment is a part of the Masonic modern style of life", Grand Master Rüdiger Templin was asking that all the German Lodges under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodges of Germany to introduce in their 2010 agenda the Climate Change issue.

The APMR (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) Secretary-General also stated a few days ago that "Freemasonry and Freemasons can not, must not and will not wait to see their Masonic Natural Temple - the Earth - breaking into pieces and leaving to the future generations a world in a natural chaos." Through the Masonic International Program "Save the Planet", APMR wants to make all Freemasons to react to the deadly virus: Climate Change.

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