Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) - COP 16 - UNFCCC ------------------------------------------------------------------- español - română

Friday, December 17, 2010

Interview with the Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias, Idelfonso BALDIRIS SILVA

Most Worshipful Grand Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias, Brethren Idelfonso BALDIRIS SILVA, the world is going through a very intense season, as it is considered that the COP16 Summit may not offer more than the COP15 in Denmark.

1. On November 29, 2010, began the COP16 Summit. The last meeting (the one in Copenhagen, Denmark) did not had the desired results of the participating countries. Do you think this meeting will bring something new in terms of Climate Change?

I'm really skeptical about changing positions of the so-called superpowers, on the ecological theme and in particular on climate change.

As we say in slang "the cards are on the table" and only lack the political will of our governments to allow the brake to the destruction of nature.

Our Serene Grand Lodge presented at the last World Conference of Grand Lodges a paper titled "Together we preserve the environment" in which stress the importance of all countries to work together to control the excesses of pollution, toxic waste, non-degradable wastes, greenhouse gas emissions that affect the ozone layer, uncontrolled use of pesticides, biological weapons, the risks of biotechnology and natural resource depletion. This document was sent to all the Grand Lodges of Colombia and government bodies, as a call to address these fundamental for human survival.

2. Last year in December, the Grand Master of United Grand Lodges of Germany (Brethren Rüdiger Templin) did not consider relevant the COP15 Report. The Grand Master asked Freemasons of Germany and in the world to begin to act each one to bring its contribution to reducing energy consumption. Do you think that Freemasons and Freemasonry can play an active role in this process apparently irreversible?

The campaign to reduce consumption of energy is one of the most important in relation to make good use of energy resources as oil, natural gas, water sources and others, so I think that is a success of our dear Brethren Rüdiger Templin, Grand Master of Germany, because sometimes these resources are wasted or given improper use, believing that they are inexhaustible. I firmly believe that Freemasonry can contribute greatly in the process of community education with a positive attitude that starting from the Grand Lodge and expanding to all Lodges and to reach all sectors of society.

3. The Grand Lodge in which you are a member is actively involved in protecting the environment? And what does regarding this?

Our Grand Lodge, through its members, has developed conferences and gatherings around the theme of environment in which participate Freemasons and profanes. Through our School of Masonic Education, we are also developing a training task in this respect, aware that the man in his lifelong pursuit of profit and wealth accumulation of uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources; we had conducted seminars on environmental preservation environment, looking for that through an educational plan for short and medium term, our active members and contributors are made aware of the importance of caring for the environment and prevent the consequences of climate change.

4. Masonry in Brazil is trying to protect the Amazon. Various Masonic organizations have implemented several projects in this regard. How effective can the relationship between state institutions and Freemasonry can be?

In my opinion, Freemasonry should be advisory and proactive in conservation of the environment regarding state institutions, given their greater responsibility in the design and implementation of public policies aimed at environmental conservation.

Freemasonry's relationship with the various State institutions should be an efficient collaboration, while maintaining their independence and sovereignty.

5. What is your vision, as a simple citizen, regarding the future of the nature on our Planet? Education is a way forward in this respect?

Given the voracity of some businessmen who prey on the ecological environment to make their business successful, the irresponsibility of sectors of the population misused water resources and how the atmosphere is polluted with chemicals, nuclear experiments that are becoming more frequent and deadly, catastrophic effects anticipated for our nature. Hence the importance of making a stop on the road and stop these attacks on our planet, which in future may be closer than expected to produce catastrophic effects.

The 11th World Conference of Grand Lodges will focus on "Freemasonry and Human Development", considering that man needs a healthy environment for its sustainability. From this forum we will call for solidarity in the care and preservation of the environment from the Illustrious Grand Masters attendees.

Widespread education about preserving our ecological environment will be one of the pillars tobuild a secure future in terms of nature is concerned, our descendants will guarantee a dignifiedlife.

Most Worshipful Serene Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Colombia at Cartagena de Indias, host of the 11th World Conference of Grand Lodges, Brethren Idelfonso BALDIRIS SILVA, the Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) thanks you for your kindness to grant us this interview.

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