Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) - COP 16 - UNFCCC ------------------------------------------------------------------- español - română

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Johann Goldammer Eurasian presented issues on fire management

The first conference of this day at the U.S. Center 2010 Cancun, Johann Goldammer (Max Plakt Institute for Chemistry) spoke about issues regarding the management of Eurasian fire. Asked by the APMR (Masonic Press Agency of Romania) if the United Nations have an international program of fire risk management, he said that there should not be an international program in this regard.

There are regional7multinational programs (giving the example of ASEAN, even though Indonesia has not ratified the agreement). "We believe there must be at a global not an international agreement but regional agreements," said Johann Goldammer from the Max Plankt Institute. The conference was attended by: Luigi Boschetti (University of Maryland), Min Wen Jao (USDA) and Zhiliang Zhu.

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