Masonic Press Agency of Romania (APMR) - COP 16 - UNFCCC ------------------------------------------------------------------- español - română

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Lima Government must take into account the impact of climate change on health

Not long ago, Alexander von Hindebrand from the Pan-American Health Organization responded to an inquiry launched by APMR (After the floods in the peruvian region of Puno, did the Lima Government took action against climate change impacts on health, and which were they?).

Alexander von Hindebrand replied that yes, some measures have been taken. The emergency was decreed in 18 of the 24 departments, which meant that they could be allocated emergency funds. Also, civil society had an important role. If the government is aware that must adopt measures against climate change, he said: "I can not say if the government is aware that it must take into account health impacts of climate change."

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